🙏Revenue Share

Claim your rewards from http://dashboard.coinbot.app!

How are the fees split?

CoinBot 🤖 fees and taxes are split:

  • 40% Revenue Share wallet

  • 40% TeamCoinBot warchest

  • 20% is sent to back to the liquidity pool

How is Revenue Share calculated?

Rewards will be calculated every 24h and split proportionally based on fees collected during that time. However, if someone sells or transfers more than 420 $COINBT tokens, all unclaimed rewards will be forfeited back to the pool, which later go to holders that haven't sold their coins.

Therefore, holdooors of $COINBT will be handsomely rewarded!

AUTOCOMPOUNDING - You can receive your rewards in $COINBT and avoid 5% tax.

For holdooors, this is the most efficient way to stack $COINBT!

Now, why would you want to stack $COINBT? (click to find out)

Eligibility Requirements for Revenue Share

  • Must hold 50 $COINBT

  • No staking or lockup. Just hold the tokens.

  • Not transferred or sold 420 $COINBOT in the past 2 hours

  • Rewards distributed in ETH unless autocompounding is ticked

To Claim

$COINBT holders can claim their rewards from http://dashboard.coinbot.app

Revenue share wallet:

Last updated