What is the token address of $COINBT?
Deployed on the Ethereum Network, on Uniswap V2
How do I participate in Revenue Sharing?
Simply hold at least 50 $COINBT for more than 24 hours and you are entitled to revenue sharing!
// * hold at least 50 $coinbot
What are the tokenomics of $COINBT?
The project had a Fair Launch--all 100% of the token supply was added to liquidity at launch.
1M tokens. Fully circulating and non-dilutive. MCAP = FDV, no late unlock shenanigans here!
100% community owned
There is a 5% Buy/Sell/LP tax on $COINBT token. The taxes are used to primarily to fund revenue share--more goodness for holders of the token!
LP tokens are locked 100% of the LP tokens for 6 MONTHS using The transaction can be viewed here - the address that can withdraw is TeamCoinbot Multisig
Who is COINBOT powered by?
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We will be integrating more SDKs to power additional swaps.
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